The most important thing about eating healthy is not counting calories, but instead focusing on nutrient dense foods. I feel as though we could see a drastic shift in the obesity pandemic if we stop looking at eating healthy as a burden to our daily routine. View your food as something that is going to help you, medicine if you will. Every time you eat, find foods that will NOURISH your body and the cells that make up your body.
Shifting your perspective if you struggle with eating healthy can be the best thing you do. Instead of viewing eating healthy as inconvenient and making excuses as to why you can't, start looking at processed foods, fast foods, sugary foods, etc as food that is going to make you feel low energy, fatigue, bloated, fat, sleepy, depressed, the list goes on..
Calorie: the approximate amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree.
For the past two decades or so, a lot of people have been attempting to 'diet' via a method of counting calories, or Calories in = Calories out.
But not all calories are the same. The calories you get from avocados, bananas, salmon, seaweed, and almonds do not give you the same kind of energy as the calories that come from a grain-fed beef hamburger high in saturated fat. (some beef is very good for you in moderation) My goal though, is to challenge people to STOP COUNTING CALORIES.
Start focusing on foods that are high in nutrient content and less on calorie content.
..besides, counting calories is not really that fun.
Nutrient Dense Foods Foods To Avoid
Salmon Grain-Fed Beef
Kale Cream Cheese
Spinach Pop-Tarts
Tomatoes Doughnuts
Potatoes White Bread
Carrots Foods with Added Sugar
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